Why Dog Gone Junk Donates After Hauling Junk Away in Springfield MO

Why Dog Gone Junk Donates After Hauling Junk Away in Springfield MO

For us, there’s nothing worse than throwing a perfectly decent couch in the landfill to be buried under mounds of trash. Especially when there are thousands of people in our Springfield, MO community that could benefit from having a used couch, or other items such as old appliances. You know the saying, one person’s trash is another man’s treasure. Just because one family no longer needs their old furniture or appliances, doesn’t mean that another family couldn’t use them.

Now don’t get us wrong, sometimes used furniture or appliances have to be thrown away or recycled. Too much wear and tear or insect infestation means that we have to take that item to the landfill. But, so many times someone buys a new couch or sectional and no longer has the need or space for their old furniture. Sometimes that “old” furniture is like “new” furniture to another family. That’s why Dog Gone Junk loves nothing more than to donate junk removal items to families in need.

Believe us, it’s a lot easier to haul everything away from a house to the landfill and toss it all in a big pile to be gone forever. But, we aren’t trying to take the easy way out. We take pride in being able to find people in need to give those items to for their own use. Some people can’t afford to go buy a brand new couch or recliner and we love being able to provide them with some furniture that they can use.

That’s why Dog Gone Junk donates, whether it’s furniture or appliances, clothes, etc. Being able to help people in need is something we take great pride in, so if we pick up something that we feel someone else could use, we try and donate what we can. Sometimes it’s directly to a family or individual and sometimes it’s to Goodwill or other charitable foundations.

Call Dog Gone Junk today for a free estimate on hauling junk away in Springfield Missouri. Your junk may be someone else’s treasure!

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