Call Dog Gone Junk For Appliance and Furniture Haulaway in Springfield Missouri

Call Dog Gone Junk For Appliance and Furniture Haulaway in Springfield Missouri

Call Dog Gone Junk For Appliance and Furniture Haulaway in Springfield Missouri

When you have a large bulky item that’s too big for your trash can and your residential trash service provider won’t take it during your weekly pickup, you’re kind of stuck and probably wondering what to do.

Items like a refrigerator, a couch or an old hot water heater are things that your trash service are not going to remove for you. You’d have trouble getting it out to the curb even if they would. So what are your options?

You could just drag it out to the backyard and hope that no one notices. This isn’t a very good option. You’re just postponing a solution to the problem.

Your neighbors don’t want to see trash piling up in your yard. It’s going to break down in the outside elements and create a nesting area for pests.

And the City doesn’t like it when you leave things on your lawn or on the curb for too long.

You could put a “Free” sign on it, set it by the curb and hope that someone drives by who wants the discarded item that you’re trying to get rid of.

This is hit and miss. Most likely no one wants to haul away an item that you are trying to throw away for free.

If someone actually does take it, then great. But if not and it gets rained on, now you’ve got to haul it back in to your house or garage and figure out what to do with it.

Another option is to haul it away yourself and pay a fee to dump it somewhere. This might work if you already own a truck or trailer and the item you’re trying to get rid of can fit in there and you’ve got someone else willing to help.

But if you don’t own a truck or trailer, then you’ll either have to find someone who will let you borrow theirs or go rent one.

Then there’s the effort of loading it up without hurting your back, finding time to driving it to the landfill, paying fees for dumping the item and paying for the gas to drive the truck.

The easiest option is to call a full service junk removal company like Dog Gone Junk. With one quick phone call and a small fee, we can come to your home, load the item for you, take it off of your property and we will worry about getting it to the landfill and paying to dump it.

When you need appliance and furniture haulaway in Springfield Missouri, go the hassle free route and call the friendly Dog Gone Junk team.

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