Garage Sale Unwanted Items Pickup in Springfield Missouri

Garage Sale Unwanted Items Pickup in Springfield Missouri

Garage Sale Unwanted Items Pickup in Springfield Missouri

So, your weekend long garage sale is over. Now what? You made some extra money and got rid of a lot of stuff, but what about all the junk that is still left over? You have leftover clothes, some furniture, and some random items that obviously no one wants, including yourself.

Do you want to store all that stuff in your garage and try to have another garage sale a month from now? Do you want to box everything up again and put it in your attic for another year? That sounds like something you’ve already done a time or two. It’s time to get rid of all these unwanted items.

Why not do something good with that stuff? You may not want these things anymore, but there are probably people out there that actually need some of these things. Many people in our Springfield community have very little to nothing. Wouldn’t it be better to give this stuff away to people in need, rather than throw it all away or store it in your attic for another year?

There’s a simple solution to this conundrum. Call Dog Gone Junk for unwanted items pickup in Springfield Missouri after your next garage sale. We will come over, pack it all up and haul it all away for you. We will throw out the things that aren’t salvageable, but we will also recycle and donate as much as possible for you.

That way, you can know that the dresser you weren’t able to sell is going to someone who needs a dresser with our furniture haulaway service. You can feel good, knowing that the kids clothes that didn’t sell, are going to go to a family in need of kids clothes, but can’t afford much. For a small pickup fee, we will distribute all of the items that you weren’t able to sell in your garage sale, to families in need, charitable organizations, and the recycling center.

Now your garage sale was true success. You made some extra money for yourself and you helped others that are in need. And, your ultimate goal is complete. No more clutter in your home.

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